Ayako Sekino
Season 1, Episode 30
Ayako Sekino
After 5 years of channeling Bashar, Ayako decided to let go of that medium of expression to awaken to her true self by applying Bashar ‘s message to her life. Her books and seminars have inspired many throughout Japan. In 2000, she conceived “Infini”, a method to raise our vibration and “live awake“, within our own dimension & universal consciousness. She has been holding classes internationally in Japan, the U.S. and France . In 2008, during a collaborative event with Darryl Anka & Bashar, she remembered a future life on Essassani as “Sister Sassani” (meaning “Living Light“) wherein she teaches awakening as she does in present life. Her presence is an invitation to shift to our true dimension of being, outside of the limitations of the Earth experience, expressing that all dimensions are accessible to anyone who desires to awaken.
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