Georgia Jean
Season 2, Episode 11 & 12
Interview with Georgia Jean
Georgia’s journey into metaphysics began at the age of fifteen when she was given a book on palmistry. This quickly evolved into a fascination with astrology, tarot, and anything that could help her understand “why we are the way we are.” At twenty, She was introduced to the incredible benefits of transcendental meditation, which began her lifelong love and practice of meditation techniques. She began to channel a group of nonphysical entities made up of angels, guides, and Ascended Masters who called themselves the Circle of Light. They guided her constantly to expand her knowledge, experience, and understanding in a broad range of fields, including remote healing, the human energy field, the chakra system, vibrational sound healing, hypnosis, psychology, creative visualization, and crystal healing. In this interview, Reuben learns more about Georgia’s journey and dives into “The Circle of Light” with her.
Georgia's Website

Interview with The Circle of Light
In this episode Reuben Interviews “The Circle of Light” as channeled by Georgia Jean. “The Circle” is a non-physical collective of entities made up of angels, guides and Ascended Masters that are here to support the Ascension process of humanity. “The Circle” is constantly guiding Georgia to expand her knowledge, experience and understanding in a broad range of fields, including remote healing, the human energy field, the chakra system, vibrational sound healing, hypnosis, psychology, creative visualization, and crystal healing. During the interview “The Circle” helps Reuben understand, and get through, some Personal blockages that help him become aware of when his “Little Me Mind” is throwing up an “Illusion” to keep him in the limited game. The Circle offers him simple Tools to short circuit the minds tricks, and allow integration to happen fully, activating the Master Consciousness Creator Self.

Release Date
April 14, 2020
Vimeo, GaiaTV
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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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