Rob Gauthier
Season 1, Episode 5 – 7
Rob Gauthier
Both Aridif and TReb Bor yit-NE are channeled by Rob Gauthier. Rob was born in 1980 and in 2007 he went to a spiritualism church to get his life back on track. As a child he was blessed with psychic abilities but as he got older he digressed and so did the abilities. As he started learning from the great psychics in his area he learned many things. Including many experiences that he had as a child which were not figments of “just his imagination”. He continued to learn more through his meditations and began the (Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience) and after a couple years of working with his remembered abilities every day, and really being dedicated about them, He met Treb Bor yit-NE.
Throughout Rob’s journey he has been privy to new communications between new entities such as Aridif, an Ancient Pleiadian, Metatron, and many many more (such as in the book “Galactic Humans“, a book about 12 races of humaniods in the galaxy) This newly found connection has brought so many more perceptions into the realm of his awareness. He has now changed the concept of TRebChaanneling to the E.T. Whisperer because it is more fitting than only focusing on one being.
Rob also owns a radio station called The Enlightenment Evolution Network. This was an extension of his dear friend George Spirakis’s show called The Rob & George Enlightenment Evolution Hour. Once George left to follow his excitements elsewhere, Rob changed the name to what it is today. Now Rob has many shows throughout the entire network. He also invites TReb and Aridif in on the first Wednesday of each month.
Rob's Website

Aridif & Treb
In these episodes Reuben interviews the Ancient Pleiadian or Denebian being known as Aridif who is channeled through Rob Gauthier. Aridif is a 6th Density being who is on the verge of evolving into 7th Density and leaving a physical form. He shares his knowledge of the construct of our universe and reality. Reuben also interviews the benevolent 5D reptilian TReb Bor yit-NE, “TReb” shares his insights on various topics about our world and his in this amazing interview.
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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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