Wendy Kennedy
Season 1, Episode 1 & 2
Wendy Kennedy
Wendy Kennedy is an intuitive, empath, and channel. For two decades she has used her gifts and abilities to work with beings in other realms and dimensions, assisting others in recognizing and releasing old patterns and helping them to live a more whole and integrated life. The clear and compassionate wisdom shared through Wendy facilitates a shift in perspective from that of separation and limitation to connection and multidimensional existence.
Wendy's Website

The 9th Dimensionsl Pleiadian Collective
The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective discuss reincarnation, time, dimensions, and our 3D reality. What is the great Earth experiment? Did we choose to be here on Earth in the 3rd Dimension? In 1995 Wendy began channeling, working first with her own angelic guides before becoming reacquainted with The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, whom she primarily channels at her public events and in private sessions. In addition to the Pleiadians, she works with beings from Sirius, Lyra, and Arcturus as well as other higher dimensional, celestial beings. Wendy currently lectures and channels for clients around the world. She was one of the six channels featured in the movie and book, Tuning in: Spirit Channelers in America. Her work can also be found in the newly released book compiled by Martine VallĆ©e, The Great Human Potential: Walking in Oneā€™s Own Light, which is now available in six languages.
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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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